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Plans to exempt small importers from meeting the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism requirements 3/12/25

We have previously informed our readers about the impact of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (“CBAM”) on companies importing goods (one of the most recent articles for Mindlink subscribers is available here). In short, from October 2023, companies (and economic operators) based in the European Union are subject to reporting requirements on the embedded emissions of goods imported from third countries that fall within the scope of the CBAM. Conversely, under the CBAM framework, as of next year, only companies that have obtained the status of registered CBAM reporters will be allowed to continue importing these goods.

Recognising that compliance with the CBAM requirements may create additional administrative and financial burdens, the European Commission (EC) has prepared a draft amendment to Regulation 2023/956 establishing a carbon border adjustment mechanism providing for amendments to the existing regulatory framework and allowing for an exemption from the regulatory requirements for most importers.

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