A system of artificial intelligence (AI) can make your day-to-day work increasingly more efficient, competitive and productive in both the private and the public sector. There are various AI system models on the market you can put in place, tailor to your company’s needs and use in your day-to-day work. Remember that, for instance, a company using an AI system for its professional purposes under EU Regulation 2024/1689 (the ‘AI Act’) faces various obligations for AI system maintainers.
Electronic structured invoices (e-invoices) are becoming increasingly widespread globally between businesses (B2B) as well as between businesses and government agencies (B2G). E-invoices are gradually replacing old-fashioned paper invoices and PDF invoices. Recent years have seen the member states working hard to implement e-invoicing. Latvia is set to legislate on mandatory e-invoicing in the B2G segment from 2025 and in the B2B segment from 2026.
The media have been actively using the term ‘cyber warfare’. At this year’s ‘Lampa’ Conversation Festival, I took part in ‘Are we ready for cyber warfare?’, a discussion held by the Ministry of Defence. At the moment we are unable to draw a clear line between the kind of cyber warfare that calls for a military response and the sort of cyber warfare that qualifies as an attack under the Criminal Code. Yet cyber warfare is definitely going on in Latvia and companies should be monitoring their cyber security carefully.
The large amount of information being generated every second has changed the way business decisions are made in today’s data-based world. It’s important for tax and financial professionals to understand what opportunities and solutions big data has to offer. If you are using improved data analytics processes with appropriate algorithms, big data can give you a detailed picture of financial trends, customer behaviours and operational efficiency. This article explores the foundations of big data analytics and the scope for using the available data to make strategic decisions and drive growth in your organisation.
Over the last six months I’ve been comparing the information technology (IT) inventory in a number of Latvian companies with their global industry peers. PwC makes a comparison in the course of developing a company’s IT strategy or assessing its digital transformation maturity. For comparison purposes we use similar corporate indicators gathered by the American Productivity & Quality Center, a leading global authority, and surveys of IT practices in various industries. The results show a systemic trend.
Every five years or so, each information technology (IT) officer looks back at performance and builds a new corporate IT strategy. A benchmarking study that involves comparing your current IT governance parameters with similar companies is an integral part of strategic planning. Comparable parameters (e.g. IT costs per user or per euro earned, the percentage of technology maintenance costs in total technology costs, or the number of computer hardware units to be serviced per specialist full-time equivalent) depend on the database you’re using, they’re easy to understand, and selecting them raises no questions.
One day I tried out Copilot for Microsoft 365 and realised this GenAI tool isn’t going to replace me at PwC but it will certainly change my daily life. PwC Latvia has been a Microsoft partner since last Christmas, and I’ve been encouraging Latvian companies to test Copilot’s capabilities. Each company can come up with its own scenario and see how it can benefit from using GenAI. It’s important that your company has its own task where it expects added value from GenAI. It wouldn’t be right to use the technology ‘unattended’ and laugh about images it generates with two-headed persons or about Neil Armstrong being hailed as the first astronaut. Below I offer my scenario and findings.
Generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) has become an essential business tool that helps companies optimise their processes, improve efficiencies and cut costs. However, to better understand GenAI’s impact on finances, it’s important to consider the cost of this tool from different aspects.
Over 70% of 3,522 business and information technology leaders say they have made significant cybersecurity improvements since 2020, according to PwC’s 2023 survey “Global Digital Trust Insights”. They have done all the right things: re-evaluated their cyber-risks, revised their security documentation, improved their ability to defend against ransomware, and enhanced their user awareness of information security. However, the two years of war, 2022 and 2023, have changed the nature of cybercrime. There were not many complaints about politically and ideologically motivated attacks in 2021, yet such attacks have represented a significant percentage since the war broke out in 2022. The activity of threat actors using their knowledge for political or ideological reasons has remained high and compares with the activity of ransomware and other commercially motivated attackers.
Looking at the ever-changing financial management space, you might think that traditional tools such as Excel should gradually become obsolete and be replaced with advanced software solutions that rationalise processes and build efficiencies. However, despite a whole range of financial technologies being readily available and optimally applied, organisations keep using Excel in their day-to-day work.
Many companies are considering accepting virtual currency or cryptocurrency in payment for their goods or services. Some are even considering buying virtual currency as a financial instrument. What is virtual currency? And how do we account for it properly? This article explores the essence of and accounting for virtual currency.
Companies tend to have two or more digitalisation activities running in parallel – they’re digitalising their document flows, invoices and production equipment data, automating their supply chain, and setting up new systems. These are all important and necessary activities that make your company more competitive, cut the amount of manual work, and make your staff happier. New digitalisation projects are springing up like mushrooms, and it’s getting harder to keep pushing them all forward at the same time. It’s also difficult to abandon a project because every one of them promises a good result for your company. Your staff get burned out and can no longer cope with their day-to-day work and take part in all those projects. The seemingly easiest solution is to have your board choose which of the projects will go on and which will not. That’s not what happens, though, and expecting such help is not justified for a number of reasons.
It was announced in November 2023 that the Electronic Declaration System (EDS) is switching to electronic identification tools and only a limited number of persons will be able to connect to EDS with the username and password assigned by the State Revenue Service (SRS). In response to taxpayers’ questions about the proposed changes, the SRS has issued a letter of explanation. Read on to find out more.
We have written before about the popular artificial intelligence (AI) tool, ChatGPT, from both a functionality perspective and a data protection viewpoint. This article explores the latest trends in using generative AI (GenAI) and offers some AI business predictions.
We have informed our MindLink subscribers that in late 2022 the European Commission (EC) published proposals for amending the VAT directive (2006/112/EC) and Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No. 282/2011 to upgrade the EU VAT system and increase its resistance to fraud. Known as ‘VAT in the Digital Age’ (ViDA), the EU VAT reform aims to modernise and simplify the VAT rules for platform economy members by introducing mandatory real-time digital reporting and e-invoicing for all intra-Community B2B transactions. This article explores the latest developments and the potential reforms, focusing on e-invoicing practices.