On 1 January 2025, significant changes to the personal income tax (PIT) legislation came into force. Continuing our tradition, we have prepared an overview of the application of PIT, mandatory national social insurance contributions (MNSIC), and solidarity tax (ST) on salaries and wages in 2025.
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Ask questionE-invoicing is becoming an important tool for businesses around the world, boosting efficiency, reducing the likelihood of errors, and securing tax compliance. Yet companies that have chosen to outsource their accounting function are not sure about who is to take responsibility for implementing and managing e-invoices. This article examines key roles, responsibilities and principles of collaboration that will help companies implement an e-invoicing system successfully.
This article explores a court ruling that was issued after a review by the State Revenue Service (SRS) found that invoices a company had expensed in its books did not meet requirements of the Accounting Act. A tax audit found the invoices do not qualify as supporting documents because no services were provided in exchange and the invoices were prepared incorrectly. The company faced an additional corporate income tax (CIT) liability of more than EUR 5 million.
The integration of e-invoicing into your finance function can significantly improve its efficiency and accuracy. However, this digital development brings with it some new risks, particularly in the area of fraud. The growing role of technology in financial transactions causes organisations to strengthen their security systems and focus on modern fraud detection solutions. In this area, artificial intelligence (AI) has become a crucial tool that provides organisations with advanced methods for detecting, preventing and minimising fraud. In this article we explore how AI can detect fraud in e-invoicing systems and how organisations can benefit in practice.
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